How to eat Candy Floss properly?

Eating candy floss, also known as cotton candy, can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Here’s a simple guide on how to eat candy floss:…

Once cotton candy is exposed to air, its sugary part tends to be coarse and turns into a gluey material. Often it becomes brittle. The easiest way to eat cotton candy is to consume it as fast as possible. More it will be in contact of air, more it will be harder to enjoy.

Eating cotton candy is a real fun bite the candy and once the candy will come in touch of your saliva, it will get melted as ice melts in mouthy.

Usually a cotton candy is wrapped around a stick it is recommended to grab the stick and to start eating the candy from the top.

The simple steps to have it are grab the candy

bite it

grab in mouth

let the candy to be in contact of saliva. once it comes in saliva contact it will get melted
swallow it
get ready for the next bite till it is finished.
Now if you have not tasted cotton candy yet, you should have it right now when you have read thoroughly how to eat cotton candy, believe me you will enjoy the stuff.